瑞尔国际物流(北京)有限公司成立于2006年,是一家由国外风险投资商投资本土物流行业精英而诞生的e时代背景的新锐国际物流公司。本公司与生具有国际视野,主要关注国际贸易衍生物流业务,并提供全球范围内all-in-one物流解决方案。其独特优势在于其遍布全球110个国家的完善的物流网络。其不仅能提供传统意义的空海运出口运输服务,并将国际空运进口运输作为主流产品,并生成多条进口精品航线,包含新加坡,苏黎世,法兰克福,香港,仁川,纽约,米兰,伦敦,洛杉矶,芝加哥到北京和上海的周班服务,连同海运进口服务,形成与国外物流网络互动模式。进口市场的权威地位帮助我们在出口业务方面的蓬勃发展和迅速壮大。<br>瑞尔国际物流(北京)有限公司目前拥有25名专业职员和业内较为完善的网络管理系统。借助第三方物流商的身份,我们将在今年上半年完成物流跟踪查询系统和虚拟仓储管理系统的建设,并冀望在仓储管理相关领域拓宽业务渠道,完成向真正的第三方物流承运商的飞跃。<br><br>realogistics international (beijing) co., ltd.<br>is a new mix-blood between local freight expert and overseas venture capital.<br>realogistics is a global vision logistics provider, which focuses on logistics business oriented by international trade, and capable to supply full range of service in global domain. she proves herself to take unique advantage of her intact agency networks in more than 110 countries in the world. import business is our most competitive freight product, which links the growth of export in both air and ocean business.<br>realogistics is well equipped with logistics management software, which links 25 professional staffs in their daily work. under guidence of third party's logistics concept, we are persuing capability about tracking and warehousing management skill geared by web access and related software. we hope to become your unique partner in providing intelligent cargo management and order fulfillment related business.<br>现因公司业务迅猛发展,诚邀以下优秀人才加入我们的团队。<br>it’s most welcome for foreign friends to join in our company and develop our business together. if anyone has interests in this job, you can email us your resume, personal photo, copy of passport, temporary residential certificate(if necessary).<br>所述人员,一经录用,公司将提供完善的培训体系及具有竞争力的薪资待遇(四险一金等),符合所述条件的有意者请将中英文简历、近照、学历证书复印件、身份证复印件及期望的薪酬电邮至本公司。请务必注明应聘职位。<br>符合所述条件的有意者请将中英文简历、近照、学历证书复印件、身份证复印件及期望的薪酬电邮或邮寄至本公司。